自2022年推出Webull Singapore以来,该公司的用户注册人数激增,这证明了它在投资者中越来越受欢迎。随着公司继续在新加坡建立业务,Webull还推出了各种新功能和服务,例如最近为当地投资者发布的隔夜美国股票交易,允许投资者交易各种美国股票和etf,而不受时区的限制。
由于市场波动和地缘政治紧张局势加剧,如今的散户投资者热衷于建立更多元化的投资组合,今年1月,Webull新加坡在其交易平台上推出了在新交所上市的产品和证券发行,为当地投资者提供了1000多只新交所上市股票、REITs、dlp和etf的投资渠道。对于风险偏好较高的投资者,Webull新加坡还为当地投资者提供了各种基金公司的430只共同基金,以及现金管理产品Moneybull和定期储蓄计划(Regular Savings Plan)等财富管理工具,帮助投资者有效地管理和增长财富。
Webull Singapore's products & services.
To remain at the forefront of the digital brokerage landscape in Singapore, Webull continues to offer investors low commission fees with no platform fees[1] for investors trading US stocks and ETFs, Hong Kong stocks and ETFs, and A-shares stocks and ETFs. For investors trading Singapore stocks and ETFs, Webull offers low commission and platform fees (0.025% x Total Trade Amount, Min SGD 0.80), with an ongoing campaign that offers 3-year commission-free[2] for Singapore stock trading. Aligned with Webull's promise to educate investors and promote financial literacy amongst retail investors, investors using the Webull platform also gain access to a number of trading tools as well as level 2 advanced US market data to help them make informed decisions.
As Webull expands its presence in Singapore, Webull remains focused on fostering innovation and enhancing user experience as it strives to be the preferred brokerage for investors looking to invest in the U.S. as well as local markets.
"Since we entered the Singapore market in 2022, we have witnessed a strong uptrend in our user base within a short two-year span. Investors in Singapore continue to seek attractive yields for their investments and Webull Singapore will strive to develop better, more innovative products and tools that will cater to the evolving needs of Singapore investors," added Jonathan Man, Chief Executive Officer of Webull Singapore.
To learn more about Webull's products and services, please visit the website: https://www.webull.com.sg/
[1]The rate of 0 is subject to change at Webull's discretion and is valid until updated
[2]Terms and conditions apply. For details, please refer to Webull's website at https://www.webull.com.sg/, the Webull App or the campaign's terms and conditions.
about Webull
Webull is a leading digital investment platform built on next generation global infrastructure. The Webull Group is headquartered in St. Petersburg, Florida and backed by private equity investors located in the United States, Europe and Asia. With over 40 million downloads globally, the company is operational in 15 regions and provides retail investors with 24/7 access to global financial markets. Users can put investment strategies to work by trading global stocks, ETFs, options and fractional shares, through Webull's trading platform. With low-cost trading on a wide range of assets, Webull is revolutionizing the way individuals approach investing. Learn more at https://www.webullcorp.com/.
All investments involve risks and are not suitable for every investor. This advertisement has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.
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